I am sure that most of you fellow bodybuilders have often witnessed people in the gym, who train hard and spent hours in the gym. I am also sure you noticed that the majority of these people wonder in the gym without any purpose or any specific goal.
Even the ones that are following a workout routine, they often sink in the routine itself and gradually lose their interest.
In this article, I will share with you a hard and almost "shocking" shoulder workout that will boost your delts and give you the interest in training you might have lost over the last period.

Before we get into the workout plan, I must mention that shoulders are quite difficult to develop and you will need all the effort and concentration you can give.
Free weights are always better than machines as long as you keep your "cheating" limited and you are not a beginner. I would recommend starting to train with free weights after six months in the gym.
1) Dumbbell Presses 3 sets x 10, 8, 6 reps and a fourth one without resting until exhaustion. This exercise works for the whole shoulder muscle and gives volume.
2) Single Arm Laterals 3 sets x 12,10,8.
While performing this exercise, keep your body steady by holding yourself with your free hand. Focus on the arm, which is doing the movement and try to hold your arm for a couple of seconds at your eye level. Extremely good for shaping and rounding your shoulders.

3) Upright Barbell Row 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps and a fourth one without resting until exhaustion.
Like the previous exercise hold the barbell for a couple of seconds at the top position in order to maximize intensity. A very important exercise, which is developing perfect trapezious muscle.

4) Reverse Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps.
With this exercise you will sculpture the rear part of your shoulders.

This is a shoulder workout that will help you develop great symmetrical shoulders. However, you must remember that following this or any other workout routine like a robot will not help you grow dream-shoulders. Always try to add more intensity to your workout program either by increasing the weights or by performing the movements with higher precision. Having well-trained shoulders will also draw more attention to your chest and your arms.
So, just combine the above workout plan, with proper supplementation and protein-rich nutrition and you can be sure that you will achieve your goals.


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