If you've searched the web for bodybuilding, you've come up with a lot of different opinions from a lot of qualified people. Your head may be spinning and you may be more confused than you were to begin with. Transforming your body from zero to hero may be easier than you think.
I've been weight training since I was about 14 years old. I started in my basement in my mother's house and eventually started training in the high school weight room. I found that having a workout partner helped me achieve goals easier than doing it alone. For those just getting started in this world, I will lay out some advice that I was given and worked for me.
1. Study the field - Get as much information as you can and figure out your ultimate goal. Why do you want to pursue weight training?
2. Get a gym membership - This may seem like a no brainer, but with all of the contradictory information out there, you may be reluctant to start.
3. Start working out on a basic workout plan - In the beginning, you will likely see results fast. Don't get stuck because sooner or later what worked in the beginning will not be enough later on.
4. Pay attention to your body - The way your body responds to different workouts will tell you whether you should continue on that path or experiment.
5. Don't be afraid to experiment in weight training - Try different things to see what you like to do. There are plenty of websites that will give you some different workouts to try. Don't get stuck in a routine that stops working.
6. Eating habits are very important - In the beginning if you already have a fast metabolism, you may be able to get away with bad eating habits. As time goes, depending on your goals, you will want to start changing your eating habits to see superior results.
7. Tracking your results - When your workouts get more advanced, you will have to be sure to keep track of everything. I use an app on my iPhone track of everything. Week to week you may remember some of the weights you've done, but once you're tracking everything, you can go back and see the progress you've made and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Weight training and transforming your body is a lifestyle. The learning curve never stops. If you're creative and are willing to take good advice from others, you will be successful. Don't let all of the confusion out there deter you from reaching your goals.


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