Your mouth practically drools as you flip through the pages of a popular bodybuilding magazine-all those cool protein supplements.
There is a major problem-you are so broke that you cannot even afford the cheapest protein on the nutrition store shelves.
And you know what-that is a good thing!
No, I have not lost my mind.
Below I am going to give you something you can do-even if you cannot afford supplements.
Well, the above is only partially true-good old fashioned food will come to your rescue-but the catch is, it has to be the right food.
So what exactly is the right food?
Good question.
Well, since you cannot afford the latest super wonder protein, how about investing some money in chicken thighs.
Before you laugh-hear me out!
If you shop around you can find some good deals.
I know some of you might be thinking-but chicken thighs have more fat than chicken breasts.
For most of you youngsters reading this, the added fat is not necessarily a bad thing as with your fast metabolisms-and sometimes-small appetites-again the added fat and calories will do you good.
Plus, if you do not like the taste of a dry chicken breast-the chicken thighs can be a welcome change of pace.
Up next.
While whey protein is good-do not be fooled into thinking that the good old egg has lost something.
Because it has not.
If you eat the yoke and all, it contains everything you need-protein-plus a whole bunch of other healthy things.
The old time bodybuilders used to eat eggs-and they gained plenty of muscle.
And, again, if you shop around you can get some good deals.
I know when people think protein-some people think milk is a good choice.
But there is something I think is even better than milk.
And that is cottage cheese.
I like the dry curd kind-it contains a lot of protein and very little carbs.
You can top it with sunflower seeds-or pineapple.
Use your imagination and come up with your own favorite topping.
The good thing about the eggs and cottage cheese is that they are easy to take just about anywhere.
Which is good when you are looking for a fast meal containing plenty of high quality protein.
While all those fancy-and expensive-cans of protein powder are nice-they can be replaced with good old fashioned food.
So the next time you are short on cash-but still want to get the protein you need-give the above ideas a try!
Your taste buds with thank you.


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