
Carbohydrates are a very important element in the process of building muscle building and various physiological processes is a major source of energy for the body .
As we mentioned earlier , the body functions as a plant protein is the raw material, are machines and worker training are hormones , and carbohydrates are the source of energy to run the plant without them difficult to produce anything .
The fact that carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body , supports the benefit of carbohydrates and protein protects its energy consumption .

Carbohydrates are divided into three sections:

1 - simple carbohydrates ( simple carbohydrates )
And are carbohydrates that contain only one or two sugar molecules in their composition, and the chemical composition of these make rapid absorption and digestion, giving the high boost of energy for a short period , and insulin works to increase dramatically.
Increase Insulin is a double-edged sword , it supports muscle building to facilitate the process of transfer and payment of amino acids and carbohydrates in the muscle. And even easier to store fat in the body over time. Therefore prefer to reduce the proportion of fat intake when they rely heavily on simple carbohydrates .
Examples of sources of simple carbohydrates : sugar, honey, fruit , sweets, chocolate and jam .

2 - complex carbohydrates ( complex carbohydrates )
And are carbohydrates that contain three or more sugar molecules in their composition and chemical composition allows absorbed and digested slowly unlike simple carbohydrates , they provide a moderate flow of energy for a longer period .
Examples of sources of complex carbohydrates : rice, oats, potatoes and starchy vegetables , legumes, cereals and Aalghemhyat .

3 - Fiber (Dietary Fibers)
And are carbohydrates that are not digested and absorbed it, but the importance of health in general , the more information you can consult the section of the fiber .

Generally recommended based on complex carbohydrates , they provide a better flow of energy, but in times of need fast flow is preferable to use simple carbohydrates , such as the period after exercise.

The amount should be addressed :
The required amount of carbohydrates addressed natural for humans vary depending on many factors, but it is usually 40-60% of total daily calories.

The amount of carbohydrate ingested is for bodybuilders :
For bodybuilders ratio of carbohydrates 30-55 % of the overall total calories for the day.

example :
If the daily calorie intake is equal to 4000 calculated the amount of carbohydrates as follows:
4000 x percentage (50 %) = 2000 calories from carbohydrates .
Divide the 2000 prices on the amount of heat per gram of carbohydrate (4)
20004 = 500 grams of carbohydrates per day.
Divide by the number of meals each day to find the amount of carbohydrate at each meal 5005 = 100 grams of carbohydrates at each meal.

========================== ? ====
Another way to see the amount of carbohydrates you need every day, and eating 2.2 to 3.3 grams of carbohydrate per kg .

example :
The player to build objects and weighed 100 kg carbohydrate intake calculated as follows:
2.2 to 3.3 x 100 = 220 to 330 grams of carbohydrates per day.
This approximate ratio as the other ratios should most often a player to build objects to be adjusted according to its objectives, for example, reduces the consumption quantity when you want to lose weight and increase when you want to increase.


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